D’ Kelulut Campsite, Semenyih


5.0/51 Reviews

D’Kelulut Campsite, located in Semenyih, Selangor, is a family-friendly camping site that’s gaining popularity for its peaceful and pleasant environment. It features essential amenities like kitchens, showers, toilets, and has a river suitable for both kids and adults. The campsite also offers a unique experience with its proximity to a Kelulut Bee Farm and a vegetable farm where visitors can pick fruits. It’s praised for its cleanliness and well-maintained camping lots, making it a must-visit for outdoor enthusiasts​.


Tapak perkhemahan D’Kelulut di Semenyih, Selangor, adalah lokasi yang sesuai untuk keluarga dan mendapat populariti kerana suasana yang damai dan menyenangkan. Ia dilengkapi dengan kemudahan asas seperti dapur, bilik mandi, tandas, dan sungai yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak serta dewasa. Tapak perkhemahan ini juga menawarkan pengalaman unik dengan kedekatan kepada Ladang Lebah Kelulut dan ladang sayur di mana pengunjung boleh memetik buah-buahan. Ia dipuji kerana kebersihannya dan tapak perkhemahan yang terjaga dengan baik, menjadikannya tempat yang wajib dikunjungi bagi peminat aktiviti luar​​.


Q Harga

RM10/tapak (promotion). Contact for latest pricing

1 Review for D’ Kelulut Campsite, Semenyih

Siti Rohana 1 Reviews
Campsite Place Must Go!

This is a great campsite that I ever been!!! The CO very nice, tolerence and cool! The river is suitable to kids and adults! Can visit Kelulut Bee Farm and vege farm as well as can plug the fruits! The toilet is cleen and the camp lot is nice! Love it! Surely i will repeat! ☺️

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