One Ground, Cameron ...
33a, Jalan Golden Hills 7, Brinc...
Located in the serene countryside of Jasin, Melaka, Tam’s Durian Farm & Campsite offers a unique blend of agricultural charm and outdoor adventure. This campsite provides an ideal setting for families, friends, and individuals seeking a refreshing escape from urban life.
At Tam’s Durian Farm & Campsite, guests can immerse themselves in the natural beauty of a durian orchard while enjoying modern camping conveniences. The campsite is designed to accommodate both seasoned campers and newcomers, offering pre-set tents and essential amenities to ensure a comfortable stay. Evenings are often enlivened with live music, creating a vibrant atmosphere under the stars.
Tam’s Durian Farm & Campsite is approximately a 30-minute drive from Melaka town, making it conveniently accessible for a weekend getaway. The campsite is pet-friendly, allowing guests to bring along their furry companions with prior notification. Guests are advised to bring mosquito repellent due to the natural orchard setting. The management is noted for their hospitality, ensuring a welcoming and enjoyable experience for all visitors.
The campsite is equipped with a range of facilities to enhance the camping experience:
For reservations or further inquiries, potential visitors can contact the campsite directly at 012-3633068 or 017-3662883, or via email at tamduriancampsite@gmail.com.
Bring your tent & no meals are provided at RM50.00 per night
- Maximum of 2 adults 2 children (12 years old and below )
- RM5.00 surcharge for an additional number of people
Meal Package (Optional):
-RM 38 per pax ( dinner, breakfast )- Adults
- RM 28 per pax (dinner, breakfast )- Teens aged between 13 to 17 years old
-Children aged below 12 years old are FREE
Dinner: BBQ set
Breakfast : Nasi Lemak
* Vegetarian meals can be arranged, kindly notify us 7 days in advance.
(i) Tent for 2 (fits 1 to 2 pax) & no meals included at RM150.00
(ii) Tent for 4 (fits 3 to 4 pax) , no meals included, RM250.00
(iii)Tent for 6 (fits 5 to 6 pax) no meals included, RM350.00
Tent for 2 adults with meals included (dinner, breakfast, and lunch) RM125.00 per pax.
Tent for 3 adults with meals included (dinner, breakfast, and lunch) RM125.00 per pax.
Tent for 4 adults with meals included (dinner, breakfast, and lunch) RM125.00 per pax.
Tent for 6 adults with meals included (dinner, breakfast, and lunch ) RM125.00 per pax
Dinner: BBQ set
Breakfast: Nasi Lemak
Lunch: Indon Signature ( fish set/chicken set/ vegetarian set)
* 18 years old and older are charged at full price.
* Teens aged between 13 to 17 years old are RM100.00 per pax.
* Children below 12 years old are FREE. (Max 2 children for ONE family , extra child is RM 50 each (all in package )
* Vegetarian meals can be arranged. Kindly notify us 7 days in advance.
首先,营地非常密集,人潮也非常多, 属于自己的空间很少, 一个小营地接近20个camp…甚至以上(我预定的是包 package 的) 逛逛走走的地方也只有自己的小小区域,当然…排除小溪区域, 而且还是自己去看youtube介绍,才知道的小溪。 抵达的时候, 确实有两位工作人员给我们指示说应该把车驾进另一区, 但是真正抵达目的地时,并没有任何人为我们讲解和介绍, 理解当下大家有点忙碌, 所以抱着“自己来“的心态打理了一切, 发现我们的帐篷没有提供灯,眼下已经快要旁晚6点, 毕竟在没有工作人员的指导下, 看见了某处有桌灯,只好自己拿了三盏灯, 可是却被员工(不确定是业主还是普通员工)反问一句话:为什么自己拿灯? 当下确实有点无奈。 接着她才说,我们帐篷前面有一个指示牌,可以看看了解。 试问我们抵达的时候,不是应该先跟我们说指示牌是我们的首要步骤吗?请问她是否认为大家一抵达就能看见指示牌呢? 之后我们跟她说我们这里没有灯, 这下她才说会安排staff来帮忙装灯。 一直到晚餐时间,等了好久才有食物送上, 我们五人行,但是烧烤套餐却非常非常有少, 加上有一个朋友不能吃猪肉(出发前告知是鸡串/sausage), 结果大部分的食物是猪肉, 所以在要求换成鸡肉的时候,却需要看她的眼色。 隔天早餐(椰浆饭/健康养生餐), 也没有被告知已经换了三文治/Salad, 当问回对方时候,她说:椰浆饭换成下个星期,吃三文治吧, 三文治8块钱,椰浆饭才块2,三文治更贵。 当下的我们也只能黑人问号… 其实我们介意的并不是价钱,而是跟起初说的东西有出入, 有出入没关系,但是并没有得到该有的尊重! 而且我们是不能选择要三文治而已,而是她给什么就是什么, 毕竟当他派给我们的时候,三文治已经快被别人选完了, 我也明确听见她跟其他staff说:直接给他们salad吧 所以是别人可以有权选择?而我们不能? 最令人不悦的是, 刚好当天有一群人是属于群体活动(猜测是team building), 起初会理解他们的吵闹声, 可是到了夜晚11点,他们还在玩游戏,大声叫喊, 我们也非常客气的请求他们把声量降低, 可是不到2个小时,接近凌晨1点, 他们依然还在高昂的气氛,所以我们再次给予第二次警告。 隔天6点早晨,也陆续开始有声音(讲话声量完全没有降低), 一直到7点,他们还开喇叭跳体操舞,播歌曲唱歌, 其实对我们打算来这里是体会大自然风景非常不公平, 我们可能给同等的价钱, 可是却需要感受跟城市没分别的嘈杂声。 而且烦躁的声音并不是一两次结束,而且不间断, 一直一直一直被吵到! 其实无法理解为什么业主不将他们安排在另一个区域? 加上帐篷与帐篷之间的距离非常近, 所以他们一吵闹,我们这区都听到非常清楚, 适当的被打扰我可以理解, 但是时刻被打扰真的非常糟糕的体验! 还有,其中一位工作人员的不适当安排与态度也让我们觉得, 很不被尊重。 写出这个Review并不是要得到什么, 也不是给钱大完的心态, 而是是希望给大家看见, 毕竟我是因为看到社交媒体的宣传才选择这里, 因为社交媒体诠释到非常完美。 还有希望业主也能看见, 我们这次的体验并不理想! 当然值得一提的是, 除了那位不尊重我们的工作人员之外, 其实其他的staff都非常友善, 厕所确实是其中一个卖点 – 那就是干净。 至于其他,真的有待加强。